Vessel: Art as a Doorway Posdcast - Jane Bamford

My interview on Vessel: Art as a Doorway Podcast discusses the factors that led to the spotted handfish in Tasmanian becoming critically endangered. It outlines the innovative use of ceramics used as a material for spawning habitat for this charismatic fish. Learn more about Dr Tim Lynch and the spotted handfish conservation team at CSIRO, Hobart.

To hear the podcast click here

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The Australian Ceramics Podcast - In Conversation with Jane Bamford

This conversation was recorded at the Australian Ceramics Triennale on 3 May 2019 at Princes Wharf One, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

Lou McCallum was joined by Jane Bamford after her presentation, The CSIRO Spotted Handfish Project.

To hear the podcast click here

or listen on the media player below.

Jane Bamford. Ceramic artificial spawning habitat (ASH) for the spotted handfish 2018

Jane Bamford. Ceramic artificial spawning habitat (ASH) for the spotted handfish 2018